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Little alchemy for android - download, solutions, all recipes


Alchemy cheats

Little Alchemy is a new game in the top of Google Play. This app is a puzzle game which is loved by many in the genre of "alchemy". You may be familiar with other games of this genre: Alchemy classic, Alchemy on Android, Doodle Alchemy. In Little Alchemy you need to combine the items and get new ones. The simplicity of the idea of the game should not mislead - cheats Little Alchemy is quite complicated even for those who possess special knowledge in chemistry, physics and other. Here we need to use logic, intuition, and if it is not obtained to create the desired items, use cheats Little Alchemy that we have prepared for you and published in this article.

Little Alchemy combination


At the beginning of the Little Alchemy game gamers have four basic elements - water, fire, earth and air. It will be useful in order to get new combinations in Little Alchemy.
Gameplay in Little Alchemy is very simple and comfortable. In the right part of the display is a little alchemy list of already created items, and the left - virtual table alchemist, where you can work with new combinations for Little Alchemy. If the player made the correct manipulation and reaction in Little Alchemy was counted, the list of elements updating. A new element can be used for further work. Here is an example how to play Little Alchemy. To obtain the element "Life", you need to use swamp + energy. Life in little alchemy will allow to obtain new interesting things - a livestock, pinocchio, plankton, robot, etc.


Today the Little Alchemy has 520 elements and may be played in Spanish, French, German, Portuguese, Norwegian, Dutch, Polish and English. The game had not yet adapted for Russian players, most gamers choose the English version of the game. In this article you will be able to find the Little Alchemy guide in English.
However, do not rush to use our Little Alchemy guide, better try to solve the puzzle. Use Little Alchemy cheats only in extreme cases.



Little alchemy 1.2 download


Little Alchemy list of elements






Acid rain = rain + smog
Acid rain = rain + smoke
Airplane = bird + metal
Airplane = bird + steel
Alarm clock = clock + sound
Alcohol = fruit + time
Alcohol = juice + time
Algae = ocean + plant
Algae = sea + plant
Algae = water + plant
Alien = life + space
Allergy = human + dust
Alligator = lizard + river
Alligator = lizard + swamp
Alpaca = mountain + sheep
Ambulance = doctor + car
Ambulance = hospital + car
Angel = human + bird
Ant = grass + wild animal
Ant = wild animal + sugar
Antarctica = ice + desert
Antarctica = snow + desert
Aquarium = glass + fish
Aquarium = water + glass
Archipelago = isle + isle
Armadillo = wild animal + armor
Armor = tool + metal
Armor = tool + steel
Ash = volcano + energy
Astronaut = human + moon
Astronaut = human + space
Astronaut = human + space station
Astronaut = rocket + human
Atmosphere = air + pressure
Atmosphere = sky + pressure
Atomic bomb = energy + explosion
Avalanche = energy + snow
Axe = blade + wood






Bacon = pig + fire
Bacteria = swamp + life
Baker = human + bread
Baker = human + dough
Baker = human + flour
Bakery = house + baker
Bakery = house + bread
Banana = fruit + monkey
Bandage = blood + fabric
Bank = house + gold
Bank = house + money
Barn = cow + house
Barn = house + hay
Barn = livestock + house
Bat = mouse + bird
Bat = mouse + sky
Batman = bat + human
Batter = flour + milk
Bayonet = gun + blade
Bayonet = gun + sword
BBQ = campfire + garden
BBQ = campfire + meat
Beach = ocean + sand
Beach = sea + sand
Beach = water + sand
Beaver = wild animal + dam
Beaver = wild animal + wood
Bee = flower + wild animal
Beehive = bee + house
Beehive = bee + tree
Beer = alcohol + wheat
Bicycle = wheel + wheel
Bird = air + life
Bird = egg + air
Bird = egg + sky
Bird = life + sky
Birdhouse = bird + house
Black hole = star + pressure
Blade = metal + stone
Blender = blade + electricity
Blender = glass + blade
Blizzard = snow + snow
Blizzard = snow + storm
Blizzard = snow + wind
Blood = human + blade
Boat = water + wood
Boiler = steam + metal
Bone = corpse + time
Book = paper + story
Book = paper + wood
Bread = dough + fire
Brick = clay + fire
Brick = clay + sun
Brick = mud + fire
Brick = mud + sun
Bridge = river + metal
Bridge = river + steel
Bridge = river + wood
Broom = wood + hay
Bullet = gunpowder + metal
Bulletproof vest = bullet + armor
Bus = car + car
Butcher = human + meat
Butter = energy + milk
Butter = milk + pressure
Butterfly = flower + wild animal






Cactus = desert + plant
Cactus = sand + plant
Cake = dough + candle
Camel = desert + house
Camel = desert + wild animal
Camel = livestock + desert
Campfire = fire + wood
Candle = wax + fire
Candle = wax + thread
Candy cane = sugar + christmas tree
Cannon = gunpowder + castle
Cannon = gunpowder + pirate ship
Car = wheel + metal
Caramel = sugar + fire
Carbon dioxide = human + oxygen
Carbon dioxide = plant + night
Carbon dioxide = tree + night
Cart = wheel + wood
Castle = house + knight
Cat = wild animal + milk
Catnip = cat + plant
Caviar = hard roe + human
Centaur = horse + human
Cereal = wheat + milk
Chainsaw = axe + electricity
Chameleon = lizard + rainbow
Charcoal = tree + fire
Charcoal = wood + fire
Cheese = time + milk
Cheeseburger = cheese + hamburger
Chicken = bird + farmer
Chicken = egg + livestock
Chicken = livestock + bird
Chicken soup = water + chicken
Chicken wing = chicken + bone
Chimney = fireplace + brick
Chimney = house + fireplace
Chimney = smoke + brick
Christmas stocking = wool + fireplace
Christmas tree = light bulb + tree
Christmas tree = tree + star
Cigarette = tobacco + paper
City = skyscrapper + skyscrapper
City = village + village
Clay = sand + mud
Clock = time + electricity
Clock = time + tool
Clock = time + wheel
Cloud = air + steam
Coal = pressure +plant
Coconut = palm + fruit
Coconut milk = coconut + tool
Coconut milk = milk + coconut
Coffin = wood + corpse
Cold = human + rain
Computer = electricity + nerd
Computer = tool + nerd
Computer = wire + nerd
Computer mouse = mouse + computer
Confetti = paper + blade
Confetti = paper + scissors
Constellation = star + star
Cookie = dough + sugar
Corpse = human + grim reaper
Corpse = human + gun
Cotton = cloud + plant
Cow = grass + livestock
Crow = bird + field
Crow = bird + scarecrow
Crystal ball = witch + glass
Crystal ball = wizard + glass
Cuckoo = clock + bird
Cyborg = human + robot
Cyclist = bicycle + human






Dam = beaver + river
Dam = beaver + tree
Dam = beaver + wood
Dam = wall + river
Dart vader = jedi + fire
Dart vader = jedi + lava
Day = night + sun
Day = sky + sun
Day = sun + time
Day = time + night
Desert = sand + cactus
Desert = sand + sand
Dew = fog + grass
Dew = water + grass
Diamond = coal + time
Diamond = pressure + coal
Dinosaur = lizard + time
Doctor = human + hospital
Dog = wild animal + human
Dog = wolf + bone
Doghouse = dog + house
Donut = dough + oil
Double rainbow = rainbow + rainbow
Dough = water + flour
Dragon = lizard + fire
Drum = wood + leather
Drunk = beer + human
Drunk = human + alcohol
Drunk = human + wine
Dry ice = carbon dioxide + cold
Dry ice = ice + carbon dioxide
Duck = bird + pond
Duck = water + bird
Duckling = egg + duck
Dune = beach + wind
Dune = desert + wind
Dune = sand + wind
Dust = day + vampire
Dust = earth + air
Dust = sun + vampire
Dynamite = gunpowder + wire






Eagle = mountain + bird
Earthquake = earth + energy
Earthquake = earth + wave
Eclipse = sun + moon
Egg = bird + bird
Egg = life + stone
Egg = lizard + lizard
Egg = turtle + turtle
Egg timer = egg + clock
Egg timer = egg + watch
Electric car = car + electricity
Electric eel = fish + electricity
Electrician = human + electricity
Electrician = human + wire
Electricity = light + solar cell
Electricity = metal + energy
Electricity = solar cell + sun
Electricity = wind turbine + wind
Email = letter + computer
Email = letter + internet
Energy = air + fire
Energy = plant + sun
Engineer = human + tool
Eruption = volcano + energy
Excalibur = sword + stone
Explosion = gunpowder + fire






Fabric = thread + tool
Family - human + house
Family tree = tree + family
Farm = farmer + barn
Farm = farmer + house
Farmer = field + human
Farmer = human + pitchfork
Farmer = human + plant
Faun = goat + human
Fence = wall + wood
Field = earth + farmer
Field = earth + tool
Fireman = human + fire
Fireman = human + firetruck
Fireplace = campfire + brick
Fireplace = campfire + wall
Fireplace = house + campfire
Firetruck = fireman + car
Fireworks = explosion + sky
Fish = hard roe + time
Fishing rod = tool + fish
Fishing rod = wood + fish
Flamethrower = fire + gun
Flashlight = tool + light
Flood = rain + rain
Flood = rain + time
Flour = wheat + stone
Flour = windmill + wheat
Flower = plant + garden
Flute = wood + wind
Flying fish = fish + bird
Flying fish = sky + fish
Flying squirrel = squirrel + airplane
Flying squirrel = squirrel + bird
Flying squirrel = squirrel + sky
Flying squirrel = squirrel + wind
Fog = cloud + earth
Forest = tree + tree
Fortune cookie = paper + cookie
Fossil = dinosaur + earth
Fossil = dinosaur + stone
Fossil = dinosaur + time
Fountain = statue + water
Fox = chicken + wild animal
Frankenstein = electricity + corpse
Frankenstein = zombie + electricity
French fries = oil + vegetable
Fridge = electricity + cold
Fridge = metal + cold
Fridge = metal + ice
Frog = wild animal + pond
Fruit = sun + tree
Fruit = tree + farmer
Fruit tree = fruit + tree






Galaxy = star + star
Garden = flower + flower
Garden = house + grass
Garden = plant + grass
Garden = plant + plant
Gardener = human + garden
Geyser = steam + earth
Ghost = castle + night
Ghost = graveyard + night
Gift = santa + chimney
Gift = santa + christmas stocking
Gift = santa + christmas tree
Gift = santa + cookie
Gift = santa + fireplace
Gingerbread house = house + dough
Gingerbread house = house + gingerbread man
Gingerbread man = life + dough
Glacier = ice + mountain
Glass = fire + sand
Glass = sand + electricity
Glasses = glass + glass
Glasses = glass + metal
Goat = livestock + mountain
Godzilla = dinosaur + city
Gold = metal + rainbow
Gold = metal + sun
Golem = clay + life
Grass = plant + earth
Grave = coffin + earth
Grave = corpse + earth
Gravestone = grave + stone
Graveyard = grave + grave
Graveyard = gravestone + gravestone
Greenhouse = plant + glass
Grenade = explosion + metal
Grilled cheese = cheese + toast
Grim reaper = corpse + scythe
Grim reaper = human + scythe
Gun = metal + bullet
Gunpowder = fire + dust






Hail = ice + cloud
Hail = ice + storm
Hail = rain + ice
Ham = meat + smoke
Hamburger = meat + bread
Hammer = metal + wood
Hard roe = egg + ocean
Hard roe = egg + pond
Hard roe = egg + sea
Hard roe = egg + water
Hard roe = fish + fish
Harp = angel + music
Hay = farmer + grass
Hay = grass + scythe
Hay = grass + sun
Hay bale = hay + hay
Helicopter = blade + airplane
Helicopter = windmill + airplane
Hero = knight + dragon
Hippo = horse + river
Hippo = horse + water
Honey = bee + beehive
Honey = bee + flower
Horizon = ocean + sky
Horizon = sea + sky
Horizon = sky + earth
Horse = hay + livestock
Horseshoe = metal + horse
Hospital = house + ambulance
Hospital = house + doctor
Hospital = house + sickness
Hourglass = sand + glass
House = human + brick
House = tool + brick
House = wall + wall
House = wood + human
Human = earth + life
Hummingbird = bird + flower
Hurricane = wind + energy






Ice = water + cold
Ice cream = milk + cold
Ice cream = milk + ice
Ice cream truck = car + ice cream
Iceberg = ocean + antarctica
Iceberg = ocean + ice
Iceberg = sea + antarctica
Iceberg = sea + ice
Iced tea = cold + tea
Iced tea = ice + tea
Idea = human + light bulb
Idea = light bulb + nerd
Igloo = house + ice
Igloo = house + snow
Internet = computer + computer
Internet = computer + web
Internet = computer + wire
Isle = ocean + volcano
Isle = sea + volcano






Jack-o'-lantern = blade + pumpkin
Jack-o'-lantern = pumpkin + candle
Jack-o'-lantern = pumpkin + fire
Jam = juice + sugar
Jedi = lightsaber + human
Jedi = lightsaber + knight
Juice = pressure + fruit
Juice = water + fruit


Kite = sky + paper
Kite = wind + paper
Knight = human + armor






Lake = river + dam
Lake = water + pond
Lamp = metal + light bulb
Lava = earth + fire
Lava lamp = lava + lamp
Lawn mower = electricity + scythe
Lawn mower = grass + tool
Leaf = tree + wind
Leather = cow + blade
Leather = pig + blade
Lemonade = fruit + water
Letter = paper + pencil
Life = love + time
Life = swamp + energy
Light = electricity + flashlight
Light = light bulb + electricity
Light bulb = electricity + glass
Lighthouse = light + beach
Lighthouse = light + house
Lighthouse = light + ocean
Lighthouse = light + sea
Lightsaber = sword + electricity
Lightsaber = sword + energy
Lightsaber = sword + light
Lion = wild animal + cat
Livestock = farmer + life
Livestock = farmer + wild animal
Livestock = wild animal + human
Lizard = egg + swamp
Log cabin = wood + house
Love = human + human
Lumberjack = axe + human
Lumberjack = human + chainsaw







Mac and cheese = cheese + pasta
Mailman = human + letter
Manatee = cow + sea
Map = paper + earth
Marshmallows = sugar + campfire
Mayonnaise = egg + oil
Meat = blade + livestock
Meat = cow + butcher
Meat = cow + tool
Meat = livestock + butcher
Meat = pig + butcher
Meat = pig + tool
Medusa = human + snake
Mermaid = human + fish
Metal = fire + stone
Meteor = meteoroid + atmosphere
Meteor = sky + meteoroid
Meteoroid = stone + space
Milk = cow + human
Milk = farmer + cow
Milk shake = milk + ice cream
Milk shake = milk + ice cream
Minotaur = human + cow
Mirror = glass + metal
Mold = time + bread
Monarch = excalibur + human
Monarch = human + castle
Money = paper + gold
Monkey = tree + wild animal
Moon = sky + cheese
Moon = sky + stone
Moss = algae + stone
Moss = plant + stone
Motorcicle = bicycle + energy
Motorcicle = bicycle + steel
Mountain = earthquake + earth
Mountain range = mountain + mountain
Mouse = cheese + wild animal
Mousetrap = metal + cheese
Mousetrap = wood + cheese
Mud = water + earth
Mummy = corpse + pyramid
Music = human + flute
Music = human + sound






Narwhal = sea + unicorn
Narwhal = unicorn + ocean
Narwhal = unicorn + water
Needle = metal + hay
Needle = metal + thread
Nerd = human + glasses
Nest = bird + hay
Nest = bird + tree
Nest = egg + hay
Newspaper = paper + paper
Night = moon + time
Night = sky + moon
Night = time + day
Ninja = shuriken + human


Oasis = desert + palm
Oasis = desert + water
Oasis = tree + desert
Obsidian = lava + water
Ocean = sea + sea
Ocean = water + sea
Oil = sunflower + pressure
Omelette = egg + fire
Optical fiber = wire + light
Orchard = field + fruit tree
Orchard = fruit tree + fruit tree
Origami = bird + paper
Ostrich = bird + earth
Ostrich = bird + sand
Owl = bird + wizard
Owl = night + bird
Oxygen = plant + carbon dioxide
Oxygen = plant + sun
Ozone = electricity + oxygen
Ozone = oxygen + oxygen







Paint = water + pencil
Paint = water + rainbow
Palm = isle + tree
Palm = tree + beach
Paper = wood + pressure
Paper airplane = airplane + paper
Parrot = bird + pirate
Pasta = flour + egg
Peacock = bird + rainbow
Pegasus = bird + horse
Pegasus = bird + unicorn
Pegasus = sky + horse
Pencil = wood + charcoal
Pencil = wood + coal
Penguin = bird + snow
Penguin = ice + bird
Penguin = ice + wild animal
Petroleum = fossil + pressure
Petroleum = fossil + time
Phoenix = fire + bird
Picnic = beach + sandwich
Picnic = grass + sandwich
Pie = dough + fruit
Pig = livestock + mud
Pigeon = bird + city
Pigeon = bird + letter
Pigeon = bird + statue
Piggy bank = money + pottery
Piggy bank = pig + money
Pilot = airplane + human
Pilot = seaplane + human
Pinocchio = wood + life
Pipe = tobacco + wood
Piranha = fish + blood
Pirate = sailor + pirate ship
Pirate = sword + sailor
Pirate ship = boat + pirate
Pirate ship = sailboat + pirate
Pitchfork = tool + hay
Pizza = cheese + dough
Planet = earth + space
Plankton = water + life
Plant = rain + earth
Platypus = beaver + duck
Pond = water + garden
Popsicle = juice + cold
Popsicle = juice + ice
Pottery = clay + tool
Pottery = clay + wheel
Pottery = fire + clay
Pressure = air + air
Pressure = earth + earth
Printer = paper + computer
Prism = glass + rainbow
Pterodactyl = air + dinosaur
Pterodactyl = bird + dinosaur
Puddle = snowman + flamethrower
Puddle = sun + ice
Puddle = sun + snowman
Pumpkin = vegetable + fire
Pumpkin = vegetable + light
Pyramid = desert + grave
Pyramid = desert + stone






Rain = cloud + water
Rain = water + air
Rainbow = rain + light
Rainbow = rain + sun
Rat = sailboat + wild animal
Rat = wild animal + pirate ship
Recipe = flour + paper
Recipe = paper + baker
Reindeer = livestock + santa
Reindeer = santa + wild animal
Ring = diamond + gold
Ring = diamond + metal
River = mountain + water
River = rain + mountain
Robot = life + armor
Robot = metal + life
Robot = steel + life
Rocket = airplane + space
Rope = thread + thread
Rose = flower + love
Rose = plant + love
Ruins = time + castle
Ruins = time + house
Ruler = wood + pencil
Rust = air + metal
Rust = air + steel
Rust = metal + oxygen
Rust = steel + oxygen
Rv = house + car






Saddle = horse + leather
Safety glasses = engineer + glasses
Safety glasses = explosion + glasses
Safety glasses = tool + glasses
Sailboat = boat + fabric
Sailboat = boat + wind
Sailor = human + boat
Sailor = human + sailboat
Salt = fire + ocean
Salt = fire + sea
Salt = ocean + sun
Salt = sea + sun
Sand = air + stone
Sand = wind + stone
Sand castle = sand + castle
Sandpaper = sand + paper
Sandstone = stone + sand
Sandstorm = sand + energy
Sandstorm = sand + hurricane
Sandstorm = sand + storm
Sandwich = bread + bacon
Sandwich = bread + ham
Sandwich = cheese + bread
Santa = human + christmas tree
Scalpel = blade + doctor
Scalpel = blade + hospital
Scarecrow = human + hay
Scissors = blade + blade
Scorpion = wild animal + dune
Scorpion = wild animal + sand
Scythe = blade + grass
Scythe = blade + wheat
Sea = water + water
Seagull = bird + beach
Seagull = bird + ocean
Seagull = bird + sea
Seahorse = fish + horse
Seahorse = horse + sea
Seahorse = ocean + horse
Seal = dog + sea
Seaplane = airplane + ocean
Seaplane = airplane + sea
Seaplane = airplane + water
Seasickness = boat + sickness
Seasickness = sailboat + sickness
Seasickness = sickness + ocean
Seasickness = sickness + sea
Seasickness = steamboat + sickness
Seaweed = plant + ocean
Seaweed = plant + sea
Shark = blood + ocean
Shark = ocean + wild animal
Shark = sea + blood
Shark = sea + wild animal
Sheep = cloud + livestock
Sheet music = paper + music
Shuriken = star + blade
Sickness = human + bacteria
Sickness = human + rain
Sickness = human + sickness
Skateboard = snowboard + wheel
Skeleton = bone + bone
Skeleton = corpse + time
Ski goggles = glasses + snow
Sky = air + cloud
Skyscrapper = house + sky
Sledge = snow + cart
Sledge = snow + wagon
Sloth = wild animal + time
Smog = smoke + fog
Smoke = fire + wood
Snake = wild animal + wire
Snow = rain + cold
Snow = steam + cold
Snow globe = snow + crystal ball
Snowball = snow + human
Snowboard = snow + surfer
Snowboard = wood + snow
Snowman = snow + human
Snowman = snowball + snowball
Snowmobile = snow + car
Snowmobile = snow + motorcycle
Soap = oil + ash
Soda = juice + carbon dioxide
Soda = water + carbon dioxide
Solar cell = sun + tool
Solar system = sun + planet
Sound = air + wave
Space = moon + star
Space = sky + star
Space = sun + star
Space station = space + house
Spaceship = airplane + astronaut
Sphinx = human + lion
Spider = wild animal + thread
Squirrel = mouse + tree
Star = night + telescope
Star = sky + night
Starfish = fish + star
Starfish = ocean + star
Starfish = sea + star
Statue = tool + stone
Steak = fire + cow
Steak = meat + bbq
Steam = water + energy
Steam = water + fire
Steam engine = boiler + tool
Steam engine = boiler + wheel
Steamboat = steam engine + boat
Steamboat = steam engine + water
Steel = metal + coal
Stethoscope = tool + doctor
Stone = air + lava
Storm = cloud + electricity
Storm = cloud + energy
Story = human + campfire
Sugar = fruit + energy
Sugar = juice + energy
Sugar = juice + fire
Sun = fire + sky
Sundial = clock + sun
Sunflower = flower + sun
Sunflower = plant + sun
Sunglasses = beach + glasses
Sunglasses = sun + glasses
Super nova = explosion + star
Surfer = human + wave
Sushi = caviar + seaweed
Sushi = fish + seaweed
Swamp = mud + grass
Swamp = mud + plant
Sweater = human + wool
Sweater = wool + tool
Swim goggles = glasses + water
Swimmer = human + swim goggles
Sword = blade + metal
Sword = blade + steel
Swordfish = fish + sword






Tank = car + armor
Tank = car + gun
Taser = gun + electricity
Tea = water + leaf
Telescope = glass + sky
Telescope = glass + space
Telescope = glass + star
Thread = cotton + tool
Thread = wheel + wool
Tide = ocean + moon
Tide = sea + moon
Time = sand + glass
Titanic = steamboat + iceberg
Toast = bread + fire
Toast = sandwich + fire
Tobacco = plant + fire
Tool = metal + human
Toucan = bird + rainbow
Tractor = farmer + car
Tractor = field + car
Train = steam engine + metal
Train = steam engine + steel
Train = steam engine + wagon
Train = steam engine + wheel
Treasure = pirate + treasure map
Treasure map = pirate + map
Tree = plant + time
Treehouse = tree + house
Trojan horse = horse + wood
Tsunami = ocean + earthquake
Tsunami = sea + earthquake
Turtle = egg + sand
Twilight = day + night
Tyrannosaurus rex = meat + dinosaur







UFO = airplane + alien
UFO = rocket + alien
Umbrella = tool + rain
Unicorn = double rainbow + horse
Unicorn = double rainbow + life
Unicorn = rainbow + horse
Unicorn = rainbow + life






Vampire = human + blood
Vampire = human + vampire
Vase = plant + pottery
Vase = pottery + flower
Vegetable = field + fruit
Village = house + house
Volcano = fire + mountain
Volcano = lava + earth
Volcano = lava + mountain
Vulture = bird + corpse






Wagon = cart + horse
Wall = brick + brick
Wand = wizard + wood
Warrior = sword + human
Watch = human + clock
Water gun = water + gun
Water lily = flower + pond
Water pipe = water + pipe
Waterfall = mountain + river
Wave = ocean + wind
Wave = sea + wind
Wax = bee + beehive
Web = spider + thread
Werewolf = werewolf + human
Werewolf = wolf + human
Wheat = field + farmer
Wheat = plant + farmer
Wheel = tool + wood
Wild animal = forest + life
Wild boar = pig + forest
Wild boar = pig + wild animal
Wind = air + energy
Wind = pressure + air
Wind turbine = windmill + electricity
Windmill = house + wind
Windmill = wheel + wind
Wine = fruit + alcohol
Wire = electricity + metal
Witch = human + broom
Witch = wizard + broom
Wizard = human + energy
Wolf = dog + forest
Wolf = wild animal + dog
Wolf = wild animal + moon
Wood = tool + tree
Woodpecker = bird + wood
Wool = scissors + sheep
Wool = sheep + tool
Wrapping paper = gift + paper






Yoda = jedi + swamp
Yogurt = milk + bacteria


Zombie = corpse + life
Zombie = human + zombie

Hidden gems

Astronaut ice cream = ice cream + astronaut
Doge = dog + internet
Doge = dog + computer
Keyboard cat = cat + music
Nessie = story + lake
Ninja turtle = turtle + ninja
The one ring = volcano + ring







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Обновлено ( 30.03.2015 20:29 )  

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Разбираемая книга производит довольно странное впечатление. Трудно догадаться, где автор рассуждает серьёзно, а где он фантазирует или даже шутит... Если научные разъяснения К. Циолковского не всегда достаточно обоснованы, зато полёт фантазии положительно неудержим и порой даже превосходит будни Жюля Верна, в которых, во всяком случае, больше научного основания...
из рецензии в журнале "Научное обозрение" на работу К.Э. Циолковского "Грезы о Земле и небе"

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Как искать нужный рецепт?

Во-первых, список элементов приведён в алфавитном порядке. Можно просто просмотреть его сверху вниз и найти нужный ответ

Во-вторых, можно использовать поиск по странице. В большинстве стационарных браузеров он вызывается сочетанием клавиш CTRL+F, на мобильных браузерах в меню всегда есть пункт "Поиск на странице"

В-третьих, можете задать вопрос в комментариях. Но перед этим попробуйте всё же поискать сами. Обычно задача довольно проста





У меня 389 элементов!

Ваш один оставшийся элемент ТОЧНО есть в приведённом списке. Чтобы его найти придётся внимательно просмотреть весь список ещё раз. Задачу облегчает то, что список дан в алфавитном порядке. Выстройте открытые элементы в игре тоже по алфавиту и задача сильно упростится.


Тут нет нужного ответа!

Игр типа Алхимия несколько. Проверьте внимательно, на ту ли игру вы смотрите ответы:

Алхимия на 390 элементов
Алхимия на 1000 элементов
Алхимия классик

Все три игры есть на платформах Android и iOS. Ответы идентичны.

Также есть алхимия на ПК, которая работает прямо в браузере. Но там слишком много модов и вариантов, поэтому написать все ответы крайне затруднительно.



Как сделать банку

В некоторых источниках есть информация о таких элементах для Алхимии, как банка, гладиатор, Спартак, чугун и некоторых других. В версии Алхимии на Андроиде с количеством рецептов 390 этих элементов нет, поэтому мы не можем сказать, как сделать банку.

Возможно, вы играли в какую-то другую алхимию, где нужно было сделать банку. Будем признательны, если в комментариях расскажете о ней!



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